Corrosivity classes
Corrosivity classes
Chart Q/1

The requirements for surface coating are classified in corrosivity classes C1 – CX. GreenCoat Pro BT® complies with C4 according to BSK 07. The main part of other building sheets for roof covering, and water drainage systems and facades are made in color systems that comply with Greencoat in terms of colors, color fastness and gloss level.

Explanations for abbreviations in the chart
A = Two-component "high build" epoxy
B = Zinc-rich epoxy according to
SS-EN ISO 12944-5
C = Epoxyisocyanate-based primer
G = Basic color
M = Medium color
T = Cover color
Example: A80(G/T) means primer and topcoat of "high build" epoxy with a total thickness of 80μm.